Can't Shut God Down

As I write this article, it has just been announced that the government shut down is over. For a gouple of weeks many government employees wondered when they would get back to work, and many receiving benefits from our government wondered if they would continue. As I write this I consider the closing of our Frankfort Dominicks and even the relocation of my Frankfort gym. As we go through various seasons of life change continues, and at one point or another we all ask, "will I continue to have what I need?

I wanted to pause in the midst of this change and gain some perspective. I believe there is hope - hope even when other avenues shut down. The hope is based on the fact that no one can shut down God, and what he is doing to preserve and sustain us. Consider this promise from Genesis, "As long as the earth endures, seedtime and harvest, cold and heat, summer and winter, day and night, will never cease." (8:22)

So long as this world continues to be, God is there preserving. You can't shut him down. God is there making sure plants grow, and life of all kinds is sustained. That includes you! You might question God's presence or concern for your life. You might wonder where he really is. He says the birds which seem countless as they flock together - he feeds. Then he says to us, that we are way more valuable than they! So we need not worry about clothing or food (Matthew 6). 

My heart goes out to those wondering what may happen next, or those in difficult circumstances. It's never during life transitions where the future seems incredibly uncertain. But my hope is that perhaps a silver lining is found. That if you are in a difficult situation that you may find the comfort of the one who will continue to provide, and who lvoes like no other. Maybe it's a good time for us to wrestle with where our hope and security is found. 

Consider these words of direction from the Christ-follower Paul, "Command those who are rich in this present world not to be arrogant nor to put their hope in wealth, which is so uncertain, but to put their hope in God, who richly provides us with everything for our enjoyment" (1 Timothy 6:17). Have we at times as a nation or a people, or I myself as pastor, put hope in something so uncertain - wealth. Wealth will come and go. But for those whose hope is in the Lord there will be true peace and security. Because he will never stop protecting and providing for his children. And even if provision or protecting ceases, and our life is taken - it is only because he has prepared something even better for us in heaven.

But I have to be honest. Provision is the tip of the iceberg for the good God wants for you. His true goodness is found in Jesus his Son. Jesus who laid down his life on the cross so we could find forgiveness. Forgiveness when our hope hasn't been in him, forgiveness for when we've been entirely dependent on something entirely uncertain. Through Jesus he wants to keep our eyes on the life that is true life - eternity with him. He wants so much more for you than food and clothes, he wants to give eternal hope.

If you'd like you can say this prayer with me: "heavenly Father, in your love continue to provide for those who are in need. For families, children, and for all, that they continue to have what they need for body and life. Preserve us Lord, no one can shut you down. Lord, show me again the greatness of Jesus - the goodness of his forgiveness and eternal hope. Thank you for the cross of Jesus which grants forgiveness and allows me to be your dead child. Amen."